What causes the corner of the mouth to crack? Angular Cheilitis or Perleche.

If you have a sore or a crack at the corner of your mouth, then the cause of it is a skin problem called Angular Cheilitis or Perleche.

This problem is caused by the infection of the labial commissure (the corner of the mouth) by the fungus Candida Albicans or by a bacteria.

Researchers have also proven that people who have a deficiency in vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B-3 (Niacin), vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) or vitamin B-12 (Cyanomobalamin) as well as those who have iron deficiency are at a higher risk of having this problem.

There is a variety of factors that trigger the inflammation of the corners of the mouth and the occurrence of angular cheilitis.

For example, the use of ill-fitting dentures by elderly people can cause the over closure of the mouth. because of this, saliva builds up in the corners of the mouth and favors a bacterial or fungal infection.

The long exposure to the sun or to the cold wind can also cause the the corners of the mouth to crack. And then, what makes things even worse is that infected people often lick their lips in an attempt to provide a moment of temporary relief.

Other conditions that cause the corners of the mouth to crack are allergies to toothpastes or cosmetics and seborrheic dermatitis.Perleche is the name of the infection that causes sores in the corners of the mouth. 
Angular Cheilitis or Perleche.

This infection is also known as cheilosis, stomatitis and angular cheilitis. It is caused by the infection of the labial commissure (sides of the lips) by a fungal bacteria.

In severe cases of angular cheilitis, the sore corners of the mouth can split and crack and even bleed when the mouth is opened. And naturally, as a result, this causes a big discomfort in eating and speaking.

This problem occurs fallowing a long expeosure to the sun or to the cold wind or as a result of the constant licking or biting of the lips.

It can also be caused by the use of ill-fitting dentures that causes the over closure of the mouth. This causes folds to form in the sides of the mouth where saliva accumulates and creates moisturize environment that favors the infection. 

The people who are suffering a deficiency iron or in vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B6(Pyridoxine) or B12 (Cynacomobalamine) are more vulnerable to this problem. 

This problem can be avoided by using vaseline and lip balms. It is also imprtant to eat foods that are rich in iron and in vitamin B, B3, B6,and B12.

If you have sores in the corners of your mouth, you can use a home remedy to heal them.
This home remedy can be created using ingredients that can be found in your kitchen or bathroom.

It is a home cure that dries the moisturised infected area. As a result, the fungal bacteria dies within a few hours and you can experience an almost immediate relieF.

In fact, the fungal bacteria that causes angular cheilitis can't survive in dry environments that's why this remedy works fast.

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